Economic Life of Vedic Age discussed by Harsh Kumar
The Vedic age commenced around the c. 1500 BC in the Indian subcontinent. There were changes seen over the years in the economic life of the peoples of the Vedic age. The are certain question like why the Vedic Aryans return to nomadic life despite being the successor of the Harappans in Indian subcontinent. Thus, we will be going to discuss these things in detail in this post.
Also Read : Vedic Age – Origin and Political Life
Economic Life During Early Vedic Age
Early Vedic age was pastoral in nature as they domesticating animals like cow and horse. Cow was a significant importance during this age as it was considered as sacred. Horse has a significant strategic importance. Hunting and food gathering were prevalent during this age. Early Vedic Aryans consumed different type of foods grains like Yava (barley), Vrihi(rice), Godhuma(wheat) etc., but they were wild in nature.

Agriculture was not practiced during the early Vedic age. The references of agriculture were mentioned in 4th Mandala of Rig Veda Samhita but it was believed to be include in later phase. Cow was the main form of property. Land as an important form of property yet to be emerged. The number of cows held by the families, were calculated to the wealth of peoples.
Various type of art and crafts were practiced during the age. Carpentry enjoyed a high status in the society as they were the main hands behind making of chariots which held great importance during the Vedic age. Gold smithing, silver smithing, Copper and bronze smithing were commonly practiced. Leather working also practiced. Spinning and weaving were also a part of craft working.
The trade and commerce were practiced the peoples of Vedic age, but the monetization of economy was absent as they trade was conducted through the Barter system. The taxation system was yet to be evolved as only tax Bali was collected but actually it was not a tax only voluntarily contribution by the peoples to their chief. War booty was an important source of income of for the tribe and it was distributed by the Vidath among the members of the tribe.
Economic Life During the Later Vedic Age
Agriculture was the main stay of economic life during the later Vedic age. The crops like wheat, barley, rice was cultivated during the later Vedic age. Sathapatha Brahmana has devoted the entire chapter on the agriculture rituals of the later Vedic age. Pastoral was continued during this age also. The hunting and food gathering processes were also practiced by the practiced the peoples of later Vedic age.

Cow was still the important property of peoples during the later Vedic age. Due to discovery of iron during this age, it gave birth to various new art and crafts. Taitiraya Brahmana and Vajasneya Samhita contains the long lists of art and crafts practiced during the later Vedic age.
The trade and commerce activities were more flourished during the later Vedic age because of the availability of the more resources during the later Vedic age. Nishka and Satmana were used as the main medium for exchange. But they were not the coins but ornaments. The monetization of economy was still absent during the later Vedic age.
Nishka was a gold ornament and Satmana was a silver ornament that used for exchange in trade activities. Economic significance of war booty was declined during the later Vedic age that result in the disappearances of the Vidath, who was responsible for the distribution of the war booty. The tax system got emerge as Bali became a proper tax and officials were appointed for the collection of this tax but the voluntary contribution was still continued by the peoples of the later Vedic age.
Thus, the economy of the Vedic age was more or less evolve over the years c. 1500 BC to c. 500 BC. But we have noticed that factors like tax and medium of exchange started to evolve over the years that take a proper shape during the Janapada and Mahajanpada age.