Babur established Mughal empire in c. 1526 after defeating Ibrahim Lodhi at the Battle of Panipat. After that number of changes were brought by Mughals in state system in India. Babur lived for short-period of time after establishing empire and Humayun was struggled for empire for so many years and finally conquered Sur empire in c. 1555 but he died very next year and hence, both Babur and Humayun got little time for brought changes in state system. It was Akbar who consolidated the empire and brought number of changes in state system.
Also Read : Humayun – Struggle for Empire in North India
Mughal Empire – Mansabdari System
Nature and Character of Mughal Empire
The texts written during the reign of Mughals provided details about the nature and character of state system of empire. Tuzuk-i-Baburi (autobiography of Babur), Gulbadan Begum wrote Humayun Nama, Ain-i-Akbari written by Abul Fazal, Padshah Nama written by Abdul Hamid Lahori etc. helped in understanding the nature of Mughal state.
The Mughal political system was monarchial in nature as the power and prestige of crown was so high. The monarchy was hereditary and principle of dynastic succession was followed. The Mughal rulers adopted high sounding titles like Padshah, Badshah, Zill-i-Ilahi etc. Monarchial despotism was of very high order as Emperor was source of authority and his order was the law of land. Nobody could dare to challenge the order of emperor.

The state system was centralized in nature but the elements of decentralization also there because provincial and sub-provincial administration were present in Mughal system. The provinces were known as Subah which were headed by Subedar. The provinces were further divided into district known as Sarkars and Sarkars were further divided into Pargana (this system was introduced by Sher Shah Suri adopted by Akbar).
Shiqdar-i-Shiqdarin was the head of Sarkar and Shiqdar was the head of Pargana. The polity of Mughal’s was secular in nature. Only during the reign of Aurangzeb, the element of orthodoxy seen but they limited in nature as Aurangzeb was not a bigot as he was portrayed by researchers because during his reign temples also got land grants. Number of different officials were appointed in Mughal empire which were the features of bureaucratic state.
The bureaucracy was meritorious in nature as officials were appointed as per merit and promoted on the basis of their performance. Different departments were created by rulers. The institution like Vakil (high grantee) was the second highest ranking after Emperor. Mir Bakshi was the head of military department, Sadar-us-Sadar was the head of charitable department.
Qazi-ul-Qazat was the chief Qazi or judge, Mir-i-Saman was the head of state factories or Karkhanas etc. played important role in managing affairs of state. Because of this high level of institutionalization, the comparatively weaker ruler like Jahangir could rule successfully. The every Farmans, order and other important things were recorded in written form that’s why Mughal empire often known as Paper state.
The system of check and balance was important feature of Mughal state as Mir Bakshi and Wazir counter balanced each other. Subedar and Jagirdar at provincial level also check and balanced each other. The welfare elements were also present in the state system as rulers like Akbar, Shah Jahan and Jahangir put special emphasis on the welfare of the common masses.
Akbar took steps like the practice of enslaving prisoners of war was stopped in 1562, pilgrimage tax was abolished in 1563, Jaziya was abolished in 1564, steps taken to suppress child marriage and a special class of officers known as Turbeg were appointed to see that no women was forced to burn herself against her will.
Jahangir issued 12 orders for the welfare of people after siting on throne. A chain of justice “Zanjir-i-Adal” was installed near the gate to got attention of Emperor by pulling the chains. Shah Jahan sent food grains from North India when Deccan was struck form severe famine during c. 1630-32. Number of land grants were issued by Mughal emperor to man of learning, religion, temples and poor.
State also took step for the promotion of economic activities in empire. They helped in promotion of agriculture, art and culture, and Trade and commerce. State factories (Karkhanas) were established for fulfill the need of state at low cost. Imperialistic outlook was dominant in Mughal dynasty was they followed the territorial expansion in aggressive way. The art and culture like music, dance, painting, architecture etc. were also patronised by Mughals.
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