During 18th century number of important changes occur in India. This century is known as the transition age from Medieval period to Modern period. Another important transition was advent of British rule in India which eventually vanishes Mughal empire in India as in c. 1857, Bahadur Shah Jafar was sent to jail in Burma, was the last Mughal ruler. Thus, 18th century attracted the attention of scholars and they interpretated the character of 18th century differently.
Also Read : Decline of Mughal Empire
Religious Policy of Emperor Akbar
Deccan Policy of Later Mughals
Age of Remarkable Progress or Age of Darkness
To justify the colonial rule, colonial scholars had portrayed the 18th century as the dark age of Indian history. They emphasized that during this period, India was going through the problem of political fragmentation and foreign forces repeatedly defeating Indian forces. The crisis and conflict were very common and many social evils like untouchability, casteism, Sati system etc. were prevailing in the Indian society. No progress was witnessed during this period.

But in actual with the careful examination, many scholars’ states that during the 18th century, remarkable progress was witnessed in many spheres like in economy. Indian industries were most advanced till the middle of 18th century and Indian products were in much demand in Europe. These products were so popular that many European countries were enacted laws to prohibit the use of these products.
The commerce of India was so bid that Peter, the Great of Russia commented that the commerce of India was the commerce of world. Surat, Masulipatnam, Dhaka were the centres of ship manufacturing as Ship-building industry of India was much advance during this period. Imambara was constructed at Lucknow, Palace built by Surajmal at Deeg etc. were prominent examples of architecture built during 18th century.
Muhammad Rangeela, Mughal ruler, patronised musicians like Niamat Khan and Firoz Khan. The paintings schools of Pahari and Rajasthani were flourished during 18th century. Risalo was written by Shah Abdul Latif and Ranjha was written by Waris Shah. The multi-dimensional progress in different spheres like literature, music, architecture, paintings etc. during 18th century. Hence, there was nothing like dark about the 18th century as portrayed by colonial scholars.
Age of Break or The Age of Continuity
Colonial historians have emphasized that the life of Indian peoples was quite different in 18th century as compare to 16th and 17th century as there was no central authority during 18th century in India. Socio-culturally and economically, the life of peoples was marked by degeneration. During 18th century, Europeanisation took place in India which was absent in previous centuries. This was narrative of colonial historians to justify their rule in India.
But the reality was different as many scholars carefully examined the events of 18th century. There were some changes witnessed during this period but the there is no break from past. The socio-cultural life of India was no different during this period as compare to 16th and 17th century because the evils practice was still prevalent which were prevailing from centuries. The Mughal empire was declined during 18th century but the process of its decline was started in later part of 17th century.
The westernization was started with the coming of Vasco De Gama, a Portuguese in c. 1498 AD. It was gained momentum with the policies of English rulers. Although Mughal empire was declined in 18th century but at the same time Marathas emerged as the major power in 18th century. Thus, this period was age of continuity.
Hence, colonial historians tried to portrayed the 18th century as the dark age to justify their rule in India but it was the age of continuity from past and witnessed progress in different spheres of human life.