The emergence of the Marathas was one of the major developments of the 17th century as added a new chapter in the history of India. They were one of the strongest powers of their ages. It was the achievements of Shivaji which made the Marathas a major power in 17th century. The rise of Marathas was the effect of different factors. The factors like geographical conditions, ideas and principles of Maharashtra Dharma, direct and indirect support of Deccani states and role played by Shivaji transformed Marathas into greatest power of their ages.
Also Read : Decline of Mughal Empire
Religious Policy of Emperor Akbar
Deccan Policy of Later Mughals
Role of Geographical Factors in Emergence of Maratha
The geographical condition of Deccan played a significant in the rise of Marathas. They were geographically isolated from other parts of country which helped in the development of the Maratha culture and provided a unique identity to them. The cultural unity provided a great strength to Maratha movement. The Maratha region was not directly controlled by any power in past because of its geographical isolation and hence, they lived an independent life.

When Aurangzeb tried to breach the independence of Marathas, they responded with the great energy. The geographical isolation was also harsh for Marathas as they had to struggle for their survival. But this struggle made them strong and came handy when they came into conflict with Mughals. There was so much equality among the Marathas as they coming from the same economic backgrounds and economic differences were absent among Marathas.
The geographical struggle made Marathas strong in the Guerrilla warfare against Mughals. In this method, the attack and run mode of warfare and hence, this method made Marathas bleed for so many years. The strength of Mughals got exhausted in fighting against Marathas as Mughals failed to subjugating Marathas.
Role of Maharashtra Dharma in the Emergence of Marathas
Bhakti movement was the inspiration behind the Maharashtra Dharma or we can say that it was a branch of Bhakti movement. The Saints like Eknath, Tukanath and Ramdas prepared a strong socio-cultural foundation for rise of Maharashtra Dharma. They propagated the message of social equality as they put emphasis on logic and reason to counter the social evils prevailing among Marathas. The idea of sacrifice for the sake of mother land was propagated among the peoples.
The spirit of independence was glorified which inspired Marathas to fight against invaders. The socio-cultural cultural strength imparted by this movement gave a new hope and aspiration to Marathas and at the same scene, the entry of Shivaji gave further strength to the Movement for swaraj.
Role of Deccan States in the Emergence of Marathas
The first-generation leaders like Shahji and Bhosle served in the Deccan states like Ahmednagar, Bijapur. The services of these sates helped Maratha commanders to learn the art of administration and military. This experience was used by Marathas to create a solid politico-admin and military strength for state. The Deccan states provided direct and indirect help to Marathas in fighting against Mughals.
Role of Shivaji
Shivaji was a great leader as it was his leadership which triggered the inner strength of the Marathas to fight for their swaraj (self-rule state). His military achievements convinced Marathas that the dream of independent Maratha state was not impossible. He created a powerful state by subjugating the local Marathas commanders. The establishment of Maratha state by Shivaji in c. 1674 gave an objective to Marathas for which they could fight for generation for their swaraj.
Hence, there were different factors behind the rise of Marathas in Deccan region and later in Northern India as well.
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