Democracy is not only a form of Government in which the ends and means are people themselves but also associated with a way of life. The word democracy is made of two Greek words: ‘Demos’ (meaning people) and ‘Kratos’ (meaning power). J. S. Mill defines, “Democracy is a form of Government in which the whole people or some numerous portions of them, exercise the governmental power through deputies periodically elected by them.”
In the words of Dicey, “Democracy is a Government in which the governing body is comparatively a large section of the entire nation”. Thus, there are several definitions given by scholars but the best definition is presented by Abraham Lincoln. He defines, “Democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people”.
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Historical Background
The concept of Democracy is very old in the world. The evidence of democracy can be seen in the Roman, Greek, and Indian civilizations. The democracy of the ancient Roman empire was established. The concept of Gana-Sanghas in ancient India was a type of cooperative democracy. However, in Europe, the ideals of democracy were realized in the 20th century. During this period, the concept of a Universal Adult Franchise was introduced in Germany, Sweden, France, and Britain.
The first modern democratic state in the true sense was the United States of America which got independence in c. 1776 and established a democratic state with a written constitution that guaranteed rights, freedom, liberty, justice, etc. to its citizens. The origin of a modern democratic state in Europe can be traced back to the Magna Carta of Britain and the Glorious revolutions of Britain.
The American, October (Russian), and French Revolutions provided momentum and mechanisms for democracy. While the experience of Britain provided individual freedom and a form of government by the people. The French Revolution gave the concepts of equality, liberty, and fraternity. The American Revolution gave meaning to representation, pluralism, and institutional framework, enhancing the credibility of democracy. When India gained independence in c. 1947, it was the only country that provided Universal Adult Franchise to its citizens irrespective of their sex, religion, race, caste, etc.
Justification For Democracy
Democracy is justified because it has some intrinsic or instrumental value like equality, wide participation, etc. A democratic government is constituted after holding regular elections through which people choose their representatives who are responsible and accountable to the people. Firstly, the democratic government ensures the basic principles of liberty and equality like the right to life, freedom of speech, etc.
The democratic government is based on public opinion as democratic government follows the diktat of the general consent of the people. The sovereignty in a democratic state is vested in the people because the administration is run in the name and interest of the people. Next, the democratic government is really a government by the people, of the people, and for the people because the democratic government is directly elected by people through direct or indirect elections.
Regular elections are essential features of the democratic government. However, democracy may have instrumental value, its intrinsic value is derived from it having moral superiority as compared to other forms of government. The rule of majority is another feature of democratic government. Written or Unwritten constitutions played a significant role in democratic government because it set certain rules and regulations for the working of government.
The democratic government ensures a smooth change of regime as the method of election and procedures of installation of a new government are fixed and mentioned in the constitution. This smooth transfer of power, without any armed rebellion or violent and forceful takeovers can only be done through the constitution.
Thus, democratic government is the most famous form of government in the modern world.
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