Conservatism stands in the defense of the status quo, as theory stands for maintenance of existing situations. This stands for defending the present values and traditions, or in a classical sense of the ‘right-wrong ideology’. However, the conservativeness as a theory is based on some recognized principles. Clinton Roster has said, ‘Conservatism is a word whose usefulness is matched by its capacity to confuse, distort and irritate’.
Also Read: Conservatism – Meaning and Its Uses
Socialism – Doctrine of Social Progress, Individualism and Capitalism
Democratic Socialism – Meaning and Characteristics
Characteristic Features of Conservatism
There are some characteristics of conservatism, which are as follows:
History and Tradition
The primacy of the history and tradition is found in all types of conservatism. If seen from a reductionist point of view, the history is nothing but the experience gained in the process. As Karl Mannheim maintains: ‘to see things authentically as a conservative is to experience events in the past’. Tradition represents the history, and traditions are important components of the history. So, one of the main features of conservatism is the defence of the history and traditions.
Human Imperfection, Prejudice and Reason
The idea of human imperfection and preference of prejudice over reason is another feature of conservatism. Unlike liberalism, which has faith over reason and in the moral, rational and social beings of the man, conservatism considers man as imperfect and dependent upon society and traditions for their very existence. Nisbet contends, ‘Prejudice has its intrinsic wisdom, one that is anterior to intellect. Prejudice is of ready application in the emergency; it previously engages moments of decision, skeptical, puzzled, and unresolved.

Organic Society, Liberty and Equality
The conservatism maintains that the society is an organic entity, and the individual does not and can not survive outside society. Accordingly, its view of liberty and equality is different from those of liberals. In a conservative view, the liberty emanates from the state, and it is a written acceptance of social obligations and social ties. Liberty is nothing but ‘doing one’s duty’. They believe in hierarchical social order, which emanates from its organic view of society.
Power and Authority
Conservatism adores power and reserves it as power is important in the order in society. The conservatives have great faith in the authority as it is necessary for the maintenance of the present order. They emphasize the importance of leadership and discipline. Heywood aptly sums up it when he says: ‘Leadership is a vital ingredient in any society because it has the capacity to give direction and provide inspiration for others’.
Property and Life
The conservatives put more emphasis on the property. Heywood has said, ‘A deeper and more personal reason why conservatives may support property is that it can be seen as an extension of an individual’s personality. People realize themselves, even see themselves, in what they own. Underlining the significance of property in the conservative scheme, Barker says, ‘It is the contempt for property that has led to all the other evils which have affected France (resulting in the French Revolution) and brought all Europe into the most imminent danger’.
Religion and Morality
Conservatives give more significance to the religion and morality. For them, the religion and the morality are the guiding principles of the functioning and the organization of the society. As Burke asserts, delineating the importance of religion in conservatism, ‘Religion is the man’s fastness in an otherwise incomprehensible and thereby hostile world’.
Thus, these are important characteristics of conservatism in the modern-day world.
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