Political Science

Nationalism – Nation States and Anti-Colonial Nationalism

Nationalism is one of the world’s most powerful phenomena and was a sort of religion in the 19th century. It has been the moving factor behind the events and histories in recent time as well as in ancient time. Despite the disagreement among some political thinkers about the origin of nationalism, who points it to […]

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Fundamentalism – Core Characteristics

Fundamentalism is a new challenge, and various manifestations of fundamentalism haunt the world. It has taken almost all countries in its fold; it is a war without any ceasefire. It does not know any boundaries, rules, or regulations. It is undeclared against democracy, freedom, civilization, and humanity. Fundamentalism, directly or indirectly, is a war against

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Fundamentalism – Meaning and Ideology

Fundamentalism is a new challenge, and various manifestations of fundamentalism haunt the world. It has taken almost all countries in its fold, it is a war without any ceasefire. It does not know any boundary, any rules and regulations. It is undeclared against democracy, freedom, civilization, and the whole humanity. It, directly or indirectly, is

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Conservatism And Its Characteristics

Conservatism stands in the defense of the status quo, as theory stands for maintenance of existing situations. This stands for defending the present values and traditions, or in a classical sense of the ‘right-wrong ideology’. However, the conservativeness as a theory is based on some recognized principles. Clinton Roster has said, ‘Conservatism is a word

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Conservatism – Meaning and Its Uses

Conservatism stands in the defense of the status quo, as theory stands for maintenance of existing situations. This stands for defending the present values and traditions, or in a classical sense of the ‘right-wrong ideology’. However, the conservativeness as a theory is based on some recognized principles. Clinton Roster has said, ‘Conservatism is a word

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Democratic Socialism – Meaning and Characteristics

The concept of democratic socialism emerged in the second half of the 19th century, as a protest movement against the unbridled capitalism. Its emergence as an alternative to capitalism is grounded in the moral protest against capitalism and its negative effects in the form of monopoly and concentration of wealth in a few hands, growing

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Socialism – Doctrine of Social Progress, Individualism and Capitalism

The concept of socialism emerged in the second half of the 19th century, as a protest movement against the unbridled capitalism. Its emergence as an alternative to capitalism is grounded in the moral protest against capitalism and its negative effects in the form of monopoly and concentration of wealth in a few hands, growing inequality

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Marxism – Surplus Value and Emergence of Classless Society

Marxism emerged from the debris of the Industrial Revolution. The factory system had uprooted thousands of people and put them into ghetto-like situations as there was no fixed wage and working hours, and exploitation was rampant. Karl Marx, like early socialist thinkers like Saint Simon and Robert Owen, was peeved at their precarious living conditions

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Marxism – Historical Materialism and Class Struggle

Marxism emerged from the debris of the industrial revolution. The factory system had uprooted thousands of people and put them into ghetto-like situations as there was no fixed wage and working hours, and exploitation was rampant. Karl Marx, like early socialist thinkers like Saint Simon and Robert Owen, was peeved at their precarious living conditions

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