Conservatism stands in the defense of the status quo, as theory stands for maintenance of existing situations. This stands for defending the present values and traditions, or in a classical sense of the ‘right-wrong ideology’. However, the conservativeness as a theory is based on some recognized principles. Clinton Roster has said, ‘Conservatism is a word whose usefulness is matched by its capacity to confuse, distort and irritate’.
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Meaning of Conservativeness
There are various meanings of Conservatism as some define it as the maintenance of status quo, while other sees it as vouching for the present social and political order. In the words of Hugh Ceril, conservativeness is, ‘a natural disposition of the human mind’. It is regarded as an attitude of mind or an approach to life. The essence of conservativeness can be understood in the words of Russell Kirk.
He wrote, ‘Conservativeness is the preservation of the ancient moral traditions of humanity and that for the conservative, custom, convention, constitution, and prescription are the roots of a tolerable civil order… The forces of great power in nations are prescriptions in favour of local rights and private property, of habits of life, prejudices in favour of old decencies, the family, and religious dogmas. De Kirk also delineates principles of conservative theory.

It believes in a set of natural laws ruling the society and conscience. It believes in the variety and differences of human existence and opposes narrowness, uniformity, egalitarianism, and utilitarianism. It has, ‘conviction that civilized society requires orders and classes as opposed to a classless society, equality in the judgement of God and before courts of law. Equality of condition means equality in servitude and man’s lust for power’. It believes in the inseparability of freedom and judgement.
It believes that prescription, customs, conventions and old canons are a virtual check upon anarchy and man’s lust for power. It is against the changes as change may not be good for the society.
Different Uses of the Term Conservativeness
Some thinkers believe that conservatism stands for the reconstruction of the society that existed in the earlier period. The word conservatism is used in different ways; Temperamental conservativeness views it as a natural and culture-determined disposition for protesting the changes in a customary pattern of living and doing things. Rossiter enlists some aspects like habit, fear, inertia, and emulation; of temperamental conservatism.
Situational conservativeness is manifested through an attitude of opposition to the dislocating changes in the political, social, economic, and religious orders of the society. The fear of change is the most distinguishing aspect of the situational conservativeness. Political conservativeness is the characteristic of the organized and developed society. It is a phenomenon that is found in almost all organized societies and is used as a defence of the existing social system.
Political conservatives are restorational to some extent as they hold onto the traditions, customs, morals, history, and the old organisations. It also displays some sort of the radicalism, as it has to harness and hone its skills to defend the attack from liberals and Marxists.
Thus, the term conservatism has different meanings.
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