Economic life of Mauryan age as discussed by Harsh
The age of Mauryan empire witnessed remarkable economic progress. The process of economic growth going on form previous ages attained new heights during this age. The economic witness during this age was not limited to any particular field of economy as all round progress witnessed under the guidance of Mauryan rulers. Agriculture, industries, trade and crafts etc. all flourished during this age.
Also Read : Decline of Mauryan Empire
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Factors Behind the Economic Progress
The pan-Indian nature of state created favorable environment for the development of the economic activities. The process of writing was strengthened during this age that help in providing the written evidences of economic activities. The institution of Guild was respected by rulers which became the backbone of the prosper economy. The process of Urbanization was reached to new heights which provide base for economic activities.

The external relations maintained by the Mauryan rulers helped in the development of the trade and commerce activities with the outer world. A number of trade routes were flourished during this age which were listed by Kautilya in Arthashastra. Utrapatha was the most important trade route which connected Taxila to Chandraketugarh in Bengal. Another was passing through Shravasti to Rajgriha. Other was Shravasti to Koshambi and from here to Paithan.
Other trade routes involved the deserts of Sindh, Kashi and Shravasti to Taxila. The villages in these routes were made responsible for maintaining the routes by state. Samastha Adhyakshas were the in-charge of these trade routes. Rivers were also used for the trade and commerce and Nava Adhyakshas were in-charge of the boats. The monetization during this age attained new height as state issued largest number of silver and copper coins.
Lakshana Adhyakshas was in-charge of mint and Rupad Adhyakshas was the examiner of cions. The positive role of state in the economic activities helped the state flourished more efficiently.
Progress in Agriculture
Agriculture and allied activities recoded remarkable process because of the huge demand of agriculture products and positive role of state. Extension of the agriculture was encouraged by the state during Mauryan age. According to Arthashastra, revenue concessions were granted to peasants to bring more land under the agriculture. Seeds and implements were given to peasants during the time of crisis and assistance was provided for digging wells.

The soldiers were strongly instructed not to damage the crop during the movement of army through the agriculture fields. The steps were taken for the development of irrigation facilities, for example, according to the Junagarh inscription of Rudradaman, Shaka king, the Sudarshana lake was constructed by Chandragupta and later repaired by King Ashoka.
The state also maintained crown land and Sita Adhyakshas was the head of these farms and prisoners of war were used for agriculture activities in these farms. State also paid attention to development on animal wealth as pastures were maintained by the state. Vivita Adhyakshas was in-charge of pasture land. Suna Adhyakshas was the head of slaughter house. Milch cattle was not allowed to slaughter as per the details of Arthashastra.
Progress in Art and Crafts
Mauryan age witnessed the progress of art and crafts of different types. The discovery of pillar erected by Ashoka and construction of massive palaces in stone indicates that stone cutting was a major industry. Mathura and Chunar (Mirzapur, U.P) were two most prominent centers of stone cutting industry. Textiles, leather working; Iron, copper, gold, and silver were also highly developed during Mauryan age.

Some of the industries like mining, metallurgy and textiles were under the monopoly of state. According to Arthashastra, the state workshops were maintained and artisans and craftsmen were hired on wages. They were provided implements and tools by state and provided guaranteed security to artisans and craftsmen.
According to Arthashastra, if some one cuts the thumb of an artisan, then he was awarded with capital punishment. Akara Adhyakshas was in-charge of mining. Loha Adhyakshas was in-charge of iron industries, Suvarnika was in-charge of gold industries and Sutra Adhyakshas was in-charge of weaving.
Progress in Trade and Commerce
The trade and commerce were flourished during the Mauryan age not only in the subcontinent but also with the outside world. Different land routes and river routes emerged during this age. Tamralipti was most important port on the eastern coast while Bharuch was most important port on the western side of subcontinent. Panya Adhyakshas was the superintendent of commerce and Pautava was in-charge of weights and measures.
Taxation System
The taxation system was highly developed during the Mauryan age. For the first time elaborated taxation machinery came into existence as every economic activity was taxed by state. Arthashastra provided a long list of taxes collected by state. Land revenue known as Bhaga was the main source of state income. Taxes were also collected from markets, roads, bridges and ferries.

Sulka Adhyakshas was the superintendent of customs and tolls. Samaharta was the chief collector of tax and Sanhidhata was the in-charge of treasury. The resources mobilized by the state through these taxes used to meet the needs of armed forces, civil administration as well as to issue grants to man of learning and religion. Taxes were collected both in kind and cash during the Mauryan age.
Hence, the geographical factor, state intervention and effective bureaucracy during the Mauryan age played a significant role in the prosperity of economy of the age.