Gupta empire was in existence from Mid-3rd century AD to Mid-6th Century BC but it was reached to its extent during the period c. 317 AD – c. 467 AD. Gupta age was presented as the Golden age by the Nationalist school of Indian History in the counter of Colonial School of Indian History. The Gupta dynasty was founded by Sri Gupta. After that Guptas took various step for consolidation of the empire which result in all around progress of the state.
Also Read : Mauryan Empire – Nature and Polity
Post-Mauryan Period – Society and Philosophical Developments
Post-Mauryan Period – Major Settlements
Political Unity
The emergence of Guptas result in political unification of India after a long gap of almost 500 years. With the decline of Mauryan empire, the unity and integrity were no-where visible. A number of regional principalities emerged during post-Mauryan age. Because of this fragmentation Indian rulers failed to counter the foreign invasions successfully.

The Shakas, Kushanas, Indo-Greeks etc. rule over different part of India. This fragmentation was come to an end with the emergence of Guptas. Whole of North India from Himalayas to Vindhayas was ruled by Guptas. They enjoyed indirect control over the peninsular India. Such unity and integrity were absent from the last 500 years which emerged during Gupta Empire.
Age of Liberal and Progressive Administration
The political administration system of Gupta empire was liberal and progressive. There was no excessive centralization in administration as was the case under Mauryans. The Gupta ruler focused on welfare and progress of peoples. Number of land grants and monetary grant for the temples and educational institutions. For example, Nalanda University was established by Kumara Gupta.
A number of officials were appointed by Gupta rulers to look after various branches of administration but the bureaucracy was not so powerful that it could misuse the authority to exploited the masses. The officials were appointed after the scrutiny of their character. According to Junagarh inscription of Skanda Gupta, at the time of appointment of Paramadutta as Governor of Saurashtra, the Gupta council discussed his candidature whole night.

Judicial legal system was liberal in nature. For the first time, civil and criminal were separately codified. There were separate courts to deal with the civil and criminal matters. Civil court was known as Dharmasthaniya and criminal court as Kantaka Sodhan. According to Fa Hein, the penal code was liberal. Tortures were absent and there was no capital punishment even in case of repeated rebellion only right hand was cut.
The Gupta administration was efficient and effective as common peoples enjoyed complete security of life and prosperity as informed by Kalidasa and Fa Hien. Elements of decentralization were present in Gupta administration system. The Guilds enjoyed high degree autonomy. Participation of local representative elements in district administration was another remarkable feature of Gupta political system.
According to contemporary sources, Vishpati was the head of district administration who was assisted by a council which comprises Nagar Shreshthi (chief banker) of city. Pratmakulika was the head of artisans’ community. Prathmakayashta was the scribes, the writer’s community. Sarthava was the head of mobile guilds. The members of this council were known as Vishyamahattara (elders of district).
This was the age of great rulers of Gupta empire like Chandra Gupta, Samudra Gupta, Kumara Gupta, Skanda Gupta etc. They ruled over an extensive empire and contributed in the fields war and peace equally.
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