Nature and Character of Gupta’s administration in words of Harsh
The emergence of Guptas around the mid-3rd century marked the beginning of a new phase in Indian history. A number of great rulers sat on the throne during Gupta period. They were not only great conquerors but also very efficient administrators as well. The rulers like Chandra Gupta, Samudra Gupta etc. made Gupta empire a strong empire with an efficient administration system. The works of Nitisar of Kamandaka, works of Kalidas and Fa Hein, throw light on the administration of Gupta age.
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Nature and Character of Gupta’s Administration
Gupta political system was monarchial in nature. King was the head of state. The position of king was highly prestigious as the concept of divine monarchy was followed and he was considered as a symbol of God. The monarchy was hereditary and law of primogeniture was followed. High sounding titles were adopted by Gupta rulers like Maharaja-Adhiraja and Param Bhagavata.
The Gupta polity was despotic in nature because king was all powerful. A large council of ministers and advisors were maintained by rulers but the decision of king was final. The administration was centralized in nature as affairs of state was control from the capital of king with the help of officials appointed by king. Elements of decentralization were also present in Gupta’s political system.
Guilds played significant role and local administration was there for look after the village administration. Both of these strengthen the decentralization administration. The elements of bureaucracy were also present in administration system of Guptas as number of officials were appointed by rulers to look after the different fields of administration. Mahasandhivigrehika was the minister of peace and war.

Senapati was the head of army. Bhatashvapati was the head of cavalry. Mahapilupati was the head of elephant force. Purapala was the head of city administration. The empire was divided into a number of provinces known as Desha or Avani or Bhukti. Uparika Maharaj was the head of provincial administration. The head of frontier provinces was known as Gopata.
The provincial governors were appointed after the careful examination of personality and there was a provision of transfer in five years. Provinces were divided into number of districts known as Visha and it was headed by Vishyapati or Kumaramatya. He was assisted by number of other officials such as Pushatpal, who was in-charge of record keeping at district level.
Participation of local administration elements was important features of Gupta polity. The polity of Guptas was progressive and liberal as peoples enjoyed high degree autonomy and freedom and state did not interfere in the personal life of peoples. The elements of welfare state were present in polity of Guptas as rulers issued donations to temples and educational institutions.
Men of learning was supported by state. Sudarshana lake was repaired by state at a huge cost during reign of Skanda Gupta. The polity was also secular in nature as state did not impose any particular belief or religion or practice on peoples. Proto-feudal elements can be seen in politico-administration system as they issued large number of land grants to Brahmans, temples, and senior military leaders, which help in transformation of these groups in powerful feudal lords.

The polity of Guptas was also imperialistic in nature as they pursued the policy of territorial expansion. Regular military campaigns were organized. Samudra Gupta was a great military conqueror, the evidence of same provided by Harisena, the war and peace minister, in his composition of Allahabad pillar inscription. Matrimonial alliances formed an important component of foreign policy of Gupta rulers.
These alliances helped in territorial expansion by the medium of peace. Chandra Gupta married Licchavi princess Kumara Devi. The importance of this matrimonial alliance can be understood by the fact that Kumara Devi was portrayed on coins along with king on coins. Chandra Gupta, the second, married Naga princess, Kuber Naga. Nagas was an important dynasty. He also married princess of Kuntala kingdom. Prabhavati Gupta daughter of Chandra Gupta was married to Rudradeva of Vakatakas, ruled in North Karnataka.
Thus, the nature and character of Gupta’s administration was a blend of many elements which made them a success of their age.
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