Khilji Imperialism as discussed by Harsh
Alauddin Khilji carried the power of Sultan to new heights. Khilji imperialism raised the power and prestige of crown. The possibilities of revolt and rebellions were eliminated. The treasury of state was remained full through out the year. Scarcity of resources was never seen during the two decades reign of Alauddin. The Khilji imperialism help in maintaining peace and stability.

It helped in safeguarding the sultanate not from the internal threats but also from the external threats like of Mongols. The reforms introduced by Alauddin played significant role in strengthening the Khilji imperialism and built a powerful empire. But the impact of Khilji imperialism was different on the different section of the society.
Also Read : ALauddin Khilji – Significance of his Reign and Military Expeditions
Market Reforms of Alauddin Khilji
Alauddin Khilji – Revenue and Military Reforms
Impact on Nobles
The nobles were subjugated under the authority of Sultan, they don’t even allow to establish matrimonial alliance without the permission of sultan. The power and privileges of nobles were also curtailed. The role of nobles in maintaining army also got reduce because Alauddin maintained a central standing army. A number of Iqtas were abolished in Doab region for the extension of Khalisa land.
Impact on Military
Military reforms also impacted the life of soldiers’ at large scale. The reduction in the rate of Khums adversely affected the interest of soldiers. The military was always busy in war and battles, they were hardly lived in peace. The regular inspection of troops and the strict punishment given to volunteers were also resented by soldiers as well as their soldiers.
Impact of Ulemas and Intermediaries Officials
The Ulemas were not allowed to interfere in the political matters as their political influence was destroyed completely. The land revenue reforms introduced by Alauddin severely impacted the intermediaries. According to Barani, the intermediaries were so much impoverished that they could not ride horses and could not chew beetle leaves. Their wives had to work in the houses of Muslim to make their living.

Impact on Peasants
The land revenue reforms impacted peasant severely as they asked to pay 50% of their total produce. Apart from this, they had to pay other taxes like Ghari and Charai. Hardly any surplus was left with peasants, this severely impacted the zeal of peasants of working hard and to produce more. They were forced to sell their produce at a fixed rate to state agent.
According to Zia-ud-din Baran, the peasants were allowed to take only 10 mounds (40 kg each) of food grains. Since, the state regulated markets were located in Delhi, peasants could not benefit from these markets in anyway. They had to purchase their necessities at high rates and they had to sell their products at low rates fixed by state.
Impact on Artisans and Craftsmen
Market regulations severely impacted the affected artisans and craftsmen because their input cost remained high as they had to purchase raw material from local unregulated markets. But they could sell their products only at the rate fixed by state.
Impact on Merchant and Traders
The merchants were living under the continuous fear of punishment because their shops were located under the controlled zone of the state. According to Barani, merchants were use to give more products because if the products were found to be under-weight, then the same weigh flesh to be cut off from his body. The profits of traders were fixed at rate of 10% by state and they didn’t allow to more profit, otherwise had to face consequences.
Impact on The Peoples of Delhi
Peoples of Delhi significantly benefitted from the market regulations of Alauddin because the prices were remained stable in market for almost 12-13 years. The inflation did not affect the resident of peoples of Delhi. Since, the controlled market was in Delhi, thus, the cost of living of peoples was reduce significantly. No famine and scarcity of food grains was witnessed during the Khiljis because the emergency storage was maintained by state.
Impact on Economy
The economic integration of villages and towns improved significantly as the entire surplus was transported to cities from villages after the harvest. Foreign trade was also improved. According to Barani, Multani merchants brought huge amount of imported good to Delhi because they were given subsidy by state.
Thus, Khilji imperialism impacted the different section of the society differently. But it was a success and was trend setter for future rulers.