Alauddin Khilji was most successful Sultan, not only of this dynasty but of entire Delhi Sultanate. He succeeded the throne of Delhi sultanate in c. 1296 AD after killing his uncle Jalal-ud-din Khilji. After ascending the throne of Delhi sultanate, he undertook number of reforms in various different fields of politico-administration, military and economic. The market reforms introduced by Alauddin were the most significant because they were highly successful.
Also Read : Alauddin Khilji – Revenue and Military Reforms
Administrative Reforms of Alauddin Khilji
Alauddin Khilji – Theory of Kingship
Market Reforms of Alauddin Khilji
The Market regulation or Price control measures were the most important initiative of the Sultan Alauddin Khilji. This type of initiative was unique in nature because no where prior to his reign such system was introduced. The success of these initiatives played a significant role in the success of Khilji Imperialism. There was conflict among historians about the nature of these reforms.

While some said the nature of these reforms was philanthropic and some argued that these were introduced for maintaining a large army at low cost. After the critical examination of the facts and figure, it was founded that Alauddin was not a welfare-oriented ruler. The main objective was to maintain a large army at low cost but at the same time it cannot be denied that market control also benefitted the common peoples of the sultanate.
To implement his market regulations, Alauddin divided his state into Free zone and Controlled zone. Market regulations were introduced in the controlled zone. Soldiers of Free zone were paid increased salary. Diwan-i-Riyasat, a new department was formed to implement these reforms which was headed by Sadar-i-Riyasat. Three types of markets or Mandi were established.
First mandi was for food grains, the second was for sugar and clothes and third mandi established for living beings like animals, birds and slaves. Each of these mandis were headed by an officer called Suhna-i-Mandi. He looks after the day-to-day functioning. Alauddin ensured the availability of goods in these markets to do that he used his despotic authority.
To ensure the availability of food grains at least 50% of land revenue form Doab region was collected through kind. The collected grains were kept in two different stores; one for normal times and other for emergency. He also gave import subsidy to importers. They were ordered to sell their goods at price fixed by state. The difference was paid was state. Licenses were issued to traders to set up shops in controlled market. The profit of traders was fixed at 10%.
According to Amir Khusrau, Sultan Alauddin Khilji himself fixed the price of every item to be sold in market. System of weight and measures were determined by the state. He kept a close watch on the function of mandis through the spies as a special class of spies, Munhiyan was created.
He regularly used to send his domestic servants to buy goods from market to ensure the market regulations were being followed. Wrong behaviour was punished severely. If anybody sold items under-weight, then equal amount of flesh to be cut from his body.
Thus, the market regulations were highly successful as it helped him to maintain a large army at a very cost that helped him to counter the threat of Mongols and territorial expansion. At the same these regulations were more benefitted the common peoples of the sultanate.
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