Muhammad Bin Tughlaq as discussed by Harsh

After flourishing for more than three decades, the Khilji empire came to an end as they were replaced by Tughlaqs in c. 1320 AD. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq was the founder of Tughlaq dynasty but he ruled only for short-period of time of only five years. After that his son Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq (MBT) ascended the throne of Delhi Sultanate in c. 1325 AD. His 26 years long reign enjoyed a great significance in the history of Turko-Afghan rule in India. During his reign Delhi sultanate assumed new orientation to state system through his ideas, innovations and reforms.
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New Orientation to State System
Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was a dynamic personality, he undertook number of reforms and new ideas which transformed the state system. The monarchial despotism was reached his climax during the reign of MBT. He did not allow anybody to challenge his authority. The nobles, Ulemas and common peoples were all lived in the fear during the reign of MBT. Nobody was dare to advise MBT, he did what he thought was correct.

The Delhi Sultanate assumed the character of secular outlook for the first time during the reign of MBT. He did not discriminate peoples on the basis of religion, caste and race. He appointed peoples in state department on the basis of their abilities and skills. They were recruited on merits and the meritorious person were respected by MBT. He also started to celebrate the festival of Holi in his court.
Various scholars of different religion were very close to him. Jaina scholar Jina Prabhusuri was MBT’s close friend. MBT included nobles of non-Turk foreigners, Indian Muslims as well Hindu origin. Thus, the nobility during the reign of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq assumed the character of heterogenous nobility. Imperialism was carried to new heights by MBT because he followed the policy of direct rule over Peninsular India.
The Deccan states such as Yadava kingdom of Devagiri, Kakatiya’s of Warangal, Hoysalas of Dwarsamudra and Pandyas of Madurai were annexed by him. MBT ruled over the most extensive in the history of Delhi Sultanate. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was most educated person who sat on the throne of Delhi Sultanate. He was of a curious mind, so he was not satisfied with the status-quo in the state system.
Hence, he undertook number of innovative ideas and reforms for making change in the state system. He introduced currency reforms. Transfer of capital was another prominent step taken by him. There also some military expeditions also undertook by MBT. He was also interested in the agriculture and hence took number of steps for modernizing the agriculture activities. He also constructed irrigation facilities for the benefits of peasants.
Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was a curious person because of that some of his projects also failed that ruined his character as a ruler. He was severely criticized by many contemporary historians and modern historians as well for undertaking projects without analyzing their consequences. But he has become a topic of interest of many scholars.
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