Khilji Revolution as discussed by Harsh
Delhi Sultanate went through the number of political phases. The Slave (Mamluk) Dynasty established by Qutub-ud-din Aibak in c. 1206 AD, came to an end in in C. 1290 AD. After that power was captured by Khiljis. It was Jalal-ud-din Khilji who established the new dynasty, Khilji Dynasty in c. 1290 AD. Khiljis established the first Afghan dynasty of India. They were considered of low origin people during the Slave dynasty because they were Afghans. Other than Jalal-ud-din Khilji, Alauddin Khilji was most successful Sultan, not only of this dynasty but of entire Delhi Sultanate.
Also Read : Ghiyas-ud-din Balban – Accession to Delhi’s Throne and Challenges
Ghiyas-ud-din Balban – Theory of Kingship
Turkan-i-Chihalgani – Relations with Sultans of Delhi
Khilji Revolution
The term Revolution often used for the large-scale mass agitation tried to change the odds on the society. Here this used for the large sudden changes that accompanied by violence. The rise of Khiljis in c. 1290 AD symbolized such changes and because of this historian Muhammad Habib coined the term “Khilji Revolution”. This was coined by him to highlight the significance of establishing the Khilji Revolution.

During the reign of Balban, the idea of aristocracy was dominating the politics of the state. He was a firm believer in the superiority of pure Turkish blood. It was very cruel and partial towards the peoples of non-Turkish blood. This aristocratic outlook got shatter with the rise of Khilji because they were considered the peoples of low origin. Balban emphasized on the idea of Divine origin of kingship.
But this theory was also shattered by the rise of Khiljis because Alauddin Khilji put more emphasis on the principle of strength. He believed that anyone can sit on throne on the basis of his strength as the crown is not the preserve of selected few. Alauddin proclaimed that there is no legitimate or illegitimate kingship. Everyone should follow the order of Sultan whoever may be because kinship knows no kingship (no dear or near to king).
Separation of religion from politics was emphasized upon during the reign of Khiljis. Alauddin didn’t allow Ulemas to interfere in the politico-administration system of the state. He clearly proclaimed that politico-administration matters are prerogative of Sultan and Ulemas must limit their activities to religious affairs only. The number of reforms and initiatives undertook by Khiljis in every sphere like politico-administration, military and economic.
Monarchial despotism was carried to new heights by the rise of Khiljis. Alauddin Khilji did not allow anyone to question his authority. They followed the policy of territorial expansion. During the reign of Khiljis, the imperialistic outlook was dominating the state. The military campaigns undertook by Alauddin, transformed the North-Indian Delhi principality into a pan-Indian empire. He took the flags of Delhi sultanate beyond Deccan to South-India. But Balban on the other hand only tried to consolidate the empire.
Thus, the changes brought by the Khiljis after ascending to the throne of Delhi Sultanate made the Sultanate much powerful. Alauddin Khilji adopted new reforms and undertook major military campaigns that transformed the character of Delhi sultanate to a pan-India empire. Thus, these changes brought by Khiljis were came to known as the Khilji Revolution.
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