Mongols were the originally nomadic tribes of the central Asia (Mongolia). During the 13th century the rose to the power under the leadership of Chingiz Khan and built one of the largest empires in the history of mankind. By c. 1206 AD, Chingiz Khan united the Mongol and other neighboring tribes of the Turks. The vertical script provided by Uighurs was become the first Mongol writing system. As Uighurs had submitted to Chingiz peacefully.

The armies were known as the Mongol-Tatar army as Tatar were a Mongol group which was subsumed by Chingiz Khan’s Mongols, but the name was then transferred to many Turkic peoples who served as allies. When they started to conquer, they first went to steppes and the sedentary civilizations of Russia in c. 1240 AD. After they went to Southern China and conquered it by c. 1278 AD. They also conquered the region of Islamic Southwest Asia. Many parts of the Europe were also under the domination of the great empire.
Also Read : Firoz Shah Tughlaq – An Ideal King and Decline of Tughlaq Dynasty
Firoz Shah Tughlaq – Reforms and Religious Outlook
Muhammad Bin Tughlaq – Estimate of His Personality
Effect of the Domination of Mongols
The great empire was built in 13th century was one of the largest in history of mankind. You may see this like Mongol Empire as a gigantic political force which bring almost the entire Asia continent under the domination the Great Khan (Chingiz Khan). This huge empire bring number of changes in world economy and other fields as well. The empire created a huge economical boom and a great exchange of culture and knowledge throughout the entire world.
The silk route was reopened after the domination of Mongols. After that the route from Europe to Asia was no longer thought to be impassable. A great number of deals of knowledge reached Europe, including art, science and gunpowder. These exchanges of culture, art and knowledge bring number of changes in the Europe and helped Western Europe to bring out of the dark ages.
We see exchange of ideas between Persia and China and China was once again united under the rule of one king. Russia was separated from the rest of Europe but no longer a disunited feudalistic society. The fall of Abbasid Caliph bring the Kwarezmain Empire to its fall. This was a great blow to the Islamic society and culture. The large number of deaths and causalities caused by the Mongols was destructive but the economic boom bring by this unification cannot be overlooked.
The only states of Poland and Hungary which were not benefitted from the Mongols invasion because they conquest these states and withdrew without setting up the revitalizing government. This was a huge loss for the state and peoples of Poland and Hungary. Thus, the creation of such a large empire brings the political, economical and cultural unity in many regions of the world.
They also reached to Delhi for conquering India but every time they were pushed back by Delhi Sultans. It was only Timur who succeeded in bringing Delhi to his control as the Sultan of Delhi Nasir-ud-din Tughlaq was fled to save his life in c. 1398 AD. Thus, after flourishing for so many years the Great Empire of Mongols started to decline. Its domination in Islamic Southern Asia was came to an end in c. 1355 AD, in China till c.1368 and in Russia went until 15th century.
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