Turkish rule’s impact on Indian society as discussed by Harsh
The establishment of Turkish rule in India during the last decade of 12th century AD, marked the beginning of new phase in Indian history because for many centuries hereafter India was ruled by Turko-Afghan rulers. This came to known as Delhi Sultanate. Turkish rule was started in India after the defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarrain, c. 1192 AD. Before that, their rule was limited to north-western parts of India. They brought new culture and new outlook which were quite different from the traditional Indian socio-cultural system.
Also Read : Establishment of Turkish Rule in India
Historiography – the way of History-Writing
Early Medieval India – Religious Spheres
Changes Made by Turks in Military System
Turkish rulers made number of changes in military after establishing their rule in India. Turks maintained a large standing army under the direct leadership of Sultan. The age of Feudal army came to an end. They provided the arms and ammunition to the soldiers from the side of state. Troops were regularly inspected to maintain the highest standard in the army.
They brought new weapon system such as superior Persian bow known as Navak. The use of iron bow and iron strips became a common features hereafter. They brought new war strategies as they avoided full-fledged war and direct frontal attacks. The caste-based differentiation was no more in the military. Turkish army was homogenous in nature. Soldiers were treated according their merit. These changes the north-India into military power once again.
Impact on Socio-Cultural Aspects
Turks brought their Islamic culture along with them which blended into traditional Indian culture. This blending of culture result in new cultural aspects came to known as Indo-Islamic culture. They brought Persian language, new festivals, new food habits and dress patterns. Islam emerged as a major force in India because it was the religion of ruling class. Islam was promoted directly and indirectly.

As a result, Indian religion and culture faced serious challenges. The egalitarian nature of Islamic society attracted the traditionally suffering classes and untouchables. As a result of this, large number of peoples adopted Islam to liberate themselves from the clutches of Brahmanical society which was based on the idea of purity and pollution. This exodus also posed number of serious challenges to existence of Indian culture.
The cultural assimilation paved way for the emergence of the new elements of culture. For example, Urdu language was a result of intermixing of Hindi and Persian languages. The art of History writing (Historiography) got a boost during the Turkish rule. Historians were maintained in courts of rulers. They compiled the ongoing developments in their books. Minhaj-ud-din-Siraj and Zia-ud-din Barani were prominent during Delhi Sultanate.
The establishment of their rule also intensified number of social evils like sati and Jauhar. Child marriage and veiling practice were become common during this age. This was because of the insecurity created by establishment of Turkish rule. The Sufis came to India along with Turkish rulers. They came for first time with Mohmad Ghaznavi. Chishti Sufis were the first to came in India. They represented the liberal form of Islam and attracted both Hindus and Muslims.
Their teaching also contributed to the assimilation of culture during Medieval age. Bhakti movement got a boost as a result of environment created by establishment of Turkish rule in India. Egalitarian outlook of Islam inspired Bhakti saints like Ramananda, Guru Nanak, Ravidas etc. to raise voices against the social evils like casteism and untouchability. This also helped Bhakti saints to revitalize the Indian society and culture, so that it would counter the challenge successfully.
Thus, Islamic culture bring number of important changes in society and military system as well.
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